Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Team Website

Hey Amber,

I can't believe we are almost done. We have the rest of the semester to complete this team website. There are a lot of requirements to the site, but the majority of the work is done. We have to use google sites to make the website for teachers, and it needs to be logical. I'm excited.

When you have a chance, take a look at the learning module on e-learning. On your free time, start thinking of concept map revisions we can make, as well as some other lesson plans or podcasts we might want to create for our website (it requires we each add 2 additional pieces). Get back with me at the end of the week. Good Luck!


  1. I just went on elearning to read about the assignment. There is a lot of requirements. I will get started on ideas and I will post this weekend with everything I can come up with. The assignment is due on Dec. 12, so we do have a while to get this thing rolling, but after Thanksgiving break it is going to get a bit crazy. I hope to stay on top of this, because I do not wait to wait til the last minute since both of us will be very busy.
    Let me know about your ideas. :)

  2. Trista,

    What key ideas do we want to add/go off of from our concept map? We have to revise it and it will be our final concept map. Also, how are we going to do the kidspriation when both of us have used our trial already?

    Since 2 additional pieces are required, do we want to do one each, for example: one does a podcast and the other does something else? I preferably would not want to do a podcast, because I had trouble with mine and I just don't like the concept of a podcast.

    I think once we get the site setup, it will just flow from there, because some of the stuff is just quick, basic requirements, like an image and the scroll bar. So it won't take to much time and effort, but we have to make sure we cover all the requirements.

    I will look over our last concept map and think of some more to add. Add your ideas on here and we will create more ideas.

    That's what I have for now. I have been so busy. It helps that this is due later, but I don't want to wait too long because its going to get to crunch time.

    So, give me some of your ideas and I will put some on here. :)

  3. Amber,

    Sorry it has taken me so long to post this week. I have been very busy. But, I have been brainstorming and doing some research. I think we EACH have to do two new pieces of info. Lets take this one step at a time. I will get the site rolling tomorrow and post the URL on here.

    As for the concept map,

    I can download it on my husbands computer under his name or something. I'm sure it is possible. Don't worry.

    Honestly, I can't think of anything to add to our concept map yet. BUT I think more ideas will emerge when we design the website. I'm kind of excited. Go view the sample ones she posted in the learning module. Those helped me. :)

    Have a good Sunday! I'll get back with you Sunday evening.

  4. Okay,

    I'm a little embarrassed, but I have literally spent hours exploring how to use google sites, and I have had the most difficult time. First off, I created a gmail account for us to share it is edtgarden2@gmail.com our password is my first initial and last name and then your first initial and last name (no spaces or capitalizations).

    I decided it might be easiest to make our site if I chose an elaborate template theme to start with. Boy was I wrong. There were so many add-on and logos and attachments that I couldn't figure out how to edit them pr delete them. It was crazy. In the end, I decided to delete the page I started, and I have started fresh with a BLANK template..... Here's the site:


  5. I plan on spending at least an hour on it each day this week. I will keep you posted on what I add, and what I think would be good ideas for you to add.

  6. If you'd like, I can contribute to building the website. I feel like you are doing all the work and I'm not helping with the site building.

    I will brainstorm of ideas for the concept map and add them on here so we can get going on that also.

  7. yes... that's why I gave you the username and password. It is a group gmail account for both of us to share. You can go on there any time and explore and make changes. I just wanted to take the big step to get it started.

  8. When I copy and paste the website, it says "No results."

  9. I started thinking of some more ideas to add on to our concept map:

    *additions to leaves bubble:
    these are all types of leaves (shapes)

    *additions to soil:
    these are the tpyes they are characterized into

    *additions to environments:
    these are some different environments, you can add more

  10. Those are great ideas. Maybe in the website, those are some of the "original" materials we can create.

    Also... Rather than pasting the web address. go to google sites and log into the following account:
    Username: edtgarden2@gmail.com

    I already gave you the password. (tkellyamalburg)

    I've started and have an outline going.

  11. Amber,

    Please let me know how you are doing. Please visit the website and tell me what you think of it so far. I know we are both busy busy busy this week, but remember we have plenty of time. :)

  12. Oops, I thought I posted on here a few days ago. I looked at the site and I like the set up. I am getting together ideas that I could add on there or what to sum up for what you already have. I'm also thinking about some more for the concept map if we need more categories. Sorry, I thought I posted on here. I will be adding more on here by the weekend for sure...with lots of ideas.

  13. It's okay. We have plenty of time. I think we have things pretty well organized. We somehow need to correlate how we will link each assignment to the website. Here's what I'm thinking, go to the learning module and see what all we have to link to our site. I know we need to each like our lesson plans, podcast, digital story, etc. So on here (the blog) we should each post what each of our's was about that way if you are creating a page on something that may be perfect to link my lesson plan to, then we will have a quick reference on here so we know where things will fit.

    Trista's projects:

    Lesson plan 1: Students use a hotlist to explore different kinds of plants and their environments in order to determine if the plant is suitable for our class garden.

    Lesson Plan 2: Students will use excel to collect data on what plants are grown by people they know. This will give the students an idea of what plants we may want to plant in our garden.

    Digital Story: Importance of plants (I think I've already linked this to one of the webpages though)

    Epals: Students explore questions about plants and gardening. Then students connect with a group of students in Mexico, who practice a type of gardening called Chinampas. (also see our google map)Obviously the two will be linked together somewhere on our website. Remember that the map is also used because students can zoom in to the area in mexico and see that they have several bodies of water and canals for irrigation of their gardens.

    Podcast- Explaining project and inviting parents to see our garden.

    Concept map- We will link it somewhere


    I don't know yet what we each can do as an "original item", but I'm sure we will figure it out as we go.

  14. Oh my goodness...... That was me posting on that last one.... I didn't realize that I was signed into our edt gmail account. HAHA

  15. Ok, I went through the list of what we need and wrote it down so I can check things off so we know where we are.

    So we pretty much already have everything done, correct?
    >> digital story (do we need both of ours?)
    >> ePals
    >> Podcast
    >> concept map
    >> blog
    >> website evaluation ?? I'm not sure on this one.

    Ok, so we both need:
    >> 2 pages
    >> 1 original item
    >> 2 lesson plans
    >> 3 additional sites

    What we need on the site that counts as both of us:
    >> standards
    >> image for each page
    >> visual design principles...not sure what this is
    >> WMU logo link
    >> "big bang" page
    >> opening page

    Did I forget anything?
    I think you already put all this on the blog, but I separated things in categories, so we both can check off and see our progress. Its just an aide.

    Ok, so I think it would be cool to have a title for each page that involves gardening...like corny titles. I'm just like that...let me know, it doesn't matter to me. This is what I came up with, if we want to use them.
    * "Leave..." (like comments or something..
    *Getting to the Roots of this year (I thought for big bang page)
    * The Dirt of Gardening

    Thats all I have. If we want to use them, if not thats ok too.

    I have a draft of the big bang page. Let me know what you think. If you want to make corrections or add information onto it, can you copy the paragraph and make the changes, then I will go over it one last time and paste it to the big bang page so we have something on there.

    Big Bang Page:
    During our gardening unit, our students have built an understanding of plants, from parts of plants and their functions to foregin countries and their development of their own domestic plants. Our students contuined exploring their our community for gardens and the plants their environment was suitable to grow. gaining the knowledge of plants and gardening, our students took what they learned during our unit and developed their own community garden. having planted our community garden, the students were able to put the process of plant growth to understanding, because they are able to record what they are observed and apply their knowledge to get an all around knowledge of planting and gardening.

    I haven't thought of my lesson plans yet and what my original item will be.
    What is the original item suppose to be anyways?

    Ok, this is what I have so far. I will put more information on tomorrow, when I start thinking of more.

    Let me know what you think and we can go from there. :)

  16. okay. that all looks great. I will have to post more tomorrow evening. I have a karate tournament saturday... eek

  17. Trista,

    I posted the final page paragraph. I still have to add the picture. Let me know what you think. I will work on more in a bit.

    For the title text on the final project page is verdana size 18, green. Text is normal size 16, white.


  18. MMK! I am really likeing our website so far. Right now I'm working on the final revisions to our concept map. I'll get it posted here in a bit. :)

  19. Are there any webpages you think we need to add? I'm not sure if our environments page is going to be very big. We can put our epals lesson on there, and then maybe even make up another lesson plan on soil and season or something like that.

    One of us could to the life cycle of plants.

    I was also thinking that maybe we could make a lesson where the students have to research 5 plants that fit into each of the "uses" category, such as food, clothing, industrial, etc.

    Also, we might want to change our subpages for the "beginning our garden" page. I don't know if we will have enough information on all of that. BUT i do think that that would be a good page for our podcast... We will have prepared our students for almost everything except for actually planning out the garden.

    where do you think we can throw in our final two lessons? and also your digital story?

    Also, be thinking of where we can link all of our websites that we reviewed earlier in the semester.

  20. I was thinking of where we can post each of our lessons and the epals and google maps. Here are some of my ideas:

    My first lesson with the students using the hot list to explore plants and environments can be linked to the environments, and maintenance pages...or the "types" page.

    My second lesson for collecting data about popular plants can be linked to "Beginning our garden" page and we can talk about what kinds of plants our class wants to have in our garden.

    Our google map and epals can be connected to "Types" and also to "environments"

    I think we wont have much for the the "components" section or the "types" section so i was thinking we could link a lot of websites to those sections and that's where we could create our "original" items.

    Light- maybe link a website and talk about it. relate it to photosynthesis.
    Water- link a site and talk about it
    Soil- talk about it and link a couple websites
    OR one of us could do a lesson on different types of soil or maybe even "the things we need to start a garden"

    I think one of us should do a lesson on the life cycle of plants, but I'm not sure where we will link it. Either it can be linked under "exploring plants" somewhere, or we could put it on the first page of "beginning our garden" that way we can relate it to the maintenance plans.

    I think our podcasts should be linked under "beginning our garden" then teachers can listen to what we have done all the way up to the point where we start our garden.

    Oh, and your seeds lesson can be linked to the same page as the life cycle, or we can link it to plant parts. I don't know though. Maybe we could link it to both parts.

  21. I think we should go page by page, that way we know what pages and assignments we have done and its a little less confusing.

    I will do the life cycle of the plants for my one lesson plan.

    For the 3 additional sites for myself, I will add them under the maintenance page, that way there is more added.

    I added information to the page for maintenance, I am just unsure how to add in my digital video.

    I will add more to the site.

  22. or do we want my 3 sites to be for the components? I just saw that..sorry.

  23. My previous lesson plans is on: how many seeds and plant parts.

    So obviously I will put my lesson plan on plant parts under the plant parts, which I see that it is already there.

    The how many seeds should go under the life cycle page. I feel like that makes more sense.

  24. I will work a lot on components, that way that page has more information.

    Sorry about all these posts. I keep thinking of everything after I post.

  25. Trista,

    I started 2 pages tonight. The components page is getting there. I still have to add more and tweak it a bit. I have a website on there that I have to incorporate, when I figure it out.
    Let me know what you think on them. Them are not nearly done yet, so just on what is there so far.

    Tomorrow I will have more. :)

  26. Trista,

    I have more done of the pages. I inserted links, but I just have to insert them the proper way. They are in there, just not the correct way.

    I am going to work on this tomorrow and try and have ALL of my pages complete early, that way you can look over them and see if you wanted to add anything.
    The pages I have on there are still a work in progress.
    Let me know what you think.

  27. Ok...this took a long time, but all the pages are coming together.
    I have everything done, besides the types page. Is that where we want to add the epals? If so, how do I go about doing that?

    The types page is all typed out, just needs organization and such.

    I attached my seeds lesson, the new lesson I made, and the 2 additional pieces is an activity book that is linked and some questions for the soil part. I think you already linked my other lesson plan. I will work on it more tonight, because I can't work on it more now, its getting to be too much.

  28. Trista,

    I finish my pages. I don't know if they are too long...tell me what you think.

    Also, did you want me to add titles to yours like I did for mine?

    I think I have everything..let me know, please.

    I looked over your pages and I like them!

    It came a long way.

  29. You did a wonderful job. I am still working on my final lesson and adding a couple links to mine. I might have to add a lesson or two to your pages. I will add titles to mine like you did.

    I do need your podcast, and I don't know how to get it from you, nor do I know how to combine it into one.....

  30. I think we are close to done. We just need to link our podcasts, and then I have to insert my new lesson on plant life cycle.

    Also, I'm debating whether or not I should generate links to the subpages on your beginning webpage, like I have done on mine.
